CEO Circle – Kip Tindell

Kip Tindell

Co-Founder, and past Chairman/CEO of The Container Store

Kip Tindell is the Co-Founder, and past Chairman/CEO of The Container Store — the original storage and organization store, which opened its doors in Dallas in 1978. The company’s quirky, “yummy,” servant leadership culture landed them on Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” 19 years in a row, including #1 twice and #2 twice.

Kip’s book, UNCONTAINABLE: How Passion, Commitment, and Conscious Capitalism Built a Business Where Everyone Thrives, has become a handbook for similarly minded companies and entrepreneurs everywhere.​​

Kip is past Chairman of the National Retail Federation and continues to serve on its Board and Executive Committee. He also serves as Co-Chairman of Conscious Capitalism, Inc., and on the boards of Imperative 21, JUST Capital, the Southwestern Medical Foundation, and BrandStorm Inc.

These days, he devotes the majority of his time to shifting the paradigm of business from a shareholder supremacy model to a stakeholder-oriented model. ​

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