IMAGINE Leaders – Edie Lush
Edie Lush
Edie Lush Ltd, Director

My underlying mission is to tell meaningful stories that get to the heart of the matter. Through the thousands of interviews I’ve done as Executive Editor at Hub Culture (Davos, UN General Assembly, COP Climate Summits), the six seasons of the Global GoalsCast podcast and my host and MC work I focus on shining a light where the world needs to do better and search for the positive story that demonstrates action. We are swimming in a sea of misinformation and over-simplification. My job is to make reality in all its complexity accessible. Only then can citizens really make informed choices. I also empower senior Leaders, Influencers, Academics and Executives through my Communication training business – focusing on people whose work accelerates positive change. This Imagine opportunity comes at an extraordinary moment. I’m working on a new show about something so basic we barely even realise it even though the truth is all around us. We’ve entered an entirely new era of human history. For the first time WE – the human race – are leaving a permanent thumbprint on the planet. You can see it in everything from nuclear fallout to climate change. But with this great power comes a great responsibility we have not yet learned to live up to. My new podcast is about how each of us – and all of us – can live so that future generations have a planet, and civilizations, worth living in.